Puppy Raw Food Feeding Guide

raw food / puppy feeding guide & calculator


You can purchase your Raw Transition Packs here

The easiest way to work out how much to feed your puppy is to feed a percentage of its body weight.

You can use the Puppy Raw Food calculator at the top of the page as a guide.

Using common sense to monitor your pup’s growth, activity levels and adjust slightly if need be.

Most pups will begin to wean from their mother at 3/4 weeks and be weaned completely at 7/8 weeks.

Because young dogs are constantly growing, they need a higher percentage of food than adult dogs. Puppies adapt quickly and can be weaned onto raw from about three weeks of age when they start to take an interest in what their mother is eating.

Our 3 step raw transition consists of the following;

Step 1 – 3 days Green Tripe – neutralizes any acidity in their stomach and boosts their digestion, basically gets everything ready for the next step. It may cause some stomach upset but this is perfectly normal at this stage

Step 2 – 3 days Meat & Bone – introduces their digestive system to the meat and bone content without the offal

Step 3 – After the 6 days transition your Dog is ready to start on completes, dependant on the size of pack you may have completes included or you may have to purchase additional. For a 2 week period after the transition we advise to just feed Chicken and/or Turkey 80 10 10’s, these proteins are lean and easier to digest. After 2 weeks you can start introducing other proteins along with oily fish and raw eggs.

Please remember these percentages are a guide and depends on many factors so it is important to regularly weigh your puppy which we would suggest weekly, keep a record of their weight so you can increase/decrease their food as and when necessary.

Raw feeding does not need to be gradually introduced, raw feeding can start straight away, simply feed your dog their existing food the night before and begin raw feeding the following morning. We do not recommend mixing kibble and raw.


Dogs do typically drink less when fed raw food as its higher in moisture.


You may notice they poo less this is normal however if they are struggling to poo try feeding some offal/heart and look at the bone content of what you are feeding.

Hunger pukes

If you notice your dog is bringing up yellow bile this may be a sign of hunger, gradually increase the daily amount or feed a light snack before bed.

As always if you have concerns about your dogs health please consult with your vet before making any dietary changes.